Relationships should be give and take
But what if this give and take doesn't actually look the way we think it does
What if giving can mean giving space
For the other to sort out things
What if taking can mean
Knowing there's someone who cares
What if we dropped the words give and take and just asked
How does this feel for me right now?
Am I feeling like I need to stop honoring mgself to continue the relationship?
Can I put my needs first and have the relationship accommodate that in a way that feels comfortable and right for both parties?
And can we realize that that's not a selfish thing
That's actually the best thing for the relationship
When you feel you can show up exactly as you are
And you prioritize your comfort you are more free to go deeper
To explore fascinating depths and insights and bounce off each other
As you make your way through this life
If you sacrifice your self and your needs then you need to constantly be on alert to protect yourself
Because how much of myself will I need to give up here?
How much of myself will need to feel forsaken to be a part of this relationship?
You gotta be in protection mode
Cuz otherwise who will?
You cannot let down your guard
That'll just be an opportunity where you will be used, hurt, manipulated
So what if the way to really deep loving relationships is to actually to be "selfish"
To say here are my needs
Here's what's important for me
I need space
I need time
And then to give the same to the other person.
You need space
You need time
OK of course
And when we would like something from each other
Or they would like something from us
we can feel if it feels ok if it feels aligned
If it feels ripe
And if it does
Then we can offer and receive with a full heart
We have this strange belief about friendship that it means sacrificing our actual selves
Hiding and deleting parts that the other person wouldn't like
When wouldn't it make sense that a friendship should try to honor the fullness of you?
There's no need for people to sacrifice
Because this actually IS the relationship
Me caring about your experience of the relationship
And you caring about mine
The relationship isn't
"buying gifts"
"talking on the phone"
"going shopping together"
Surely those can be done as well
If it feels comfortable for both parties
The heart of it is we both can have an experience where we allow each other to be fully ourself
Cuz if I expect you to sacrifice a part of you for me
That hurts the relationship
To me a deep relationship is one that allows for flow
for going deeper
for 2 human beings to continue to be their full selves
In all their colors
Dark and light
And rain and clouds and sun
In a way that feels right
Very well written and deep truths that hopefully two healthy people could achieve.